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Munsterman, KS, MHK Hesselbarth, JE Allgeier. Smaller and bolder fish enhance ecosystem-scale primary production around artificial reefs in seagrass beds. Ecological Applications
Van Wert, JC, L Ezzat, KS Munsterman, K Landfield, NMD Schiettekatte, V Parravicini, JM Brandl, DE Burkepile, EJ Eliason. Fish feces reveal diverse nutrient sources for coral reefs. Ecology
Schiettekatte, NMD, SJ Brandl, JM Casey, AJ Graham, DR Barneche, DE Burkepile, JE Allgeier, JE Aria-Gonzalez, GJ Edgar, CEL Ferreira, SR Floeter, AM Friedlander, AL Green, M Kulbicki, Y Letourneur, OJ Luis, A Mercière, F Morat, KS Munsterman, EL Rezende, FA Rodríguez‐Zaragoza, RD Stuart-Smith, L Vigliola, S Villéger, V Parravicini. 2022. Drivers and vulnerability of global coral reef fish functions. Nature Ecology and Evolution
Brines, E, MA Andskog, KS Munsterman, CA Layman, JE Allgeier. 2022. Anthropogenic nutrients mitigate importance of fish-mediated nutrient supply for seagrass beds in Haiti. Marine Biology
Allgeier, JE, BC Weeks, KS Munsterman, N Wale, S Wenger, V Parravicini, NMD Schiettekatte, S Villéger, DE Burkepile. 2022. Phylogenetic conservatism drives nutrient dynamics of coral reef fishes. Nature Communications
Ezzat, L, S Merolle, CS Clements, KS Munsterman, KM Landfield, CR Duran Stensrud, ER Schmeltzer, DE Burkepile. RV Thurber. 2021. Thermal stress interacts with surgeonfish feces to increase coral susceptibility to dysbiosis and reduce tissue regeneration. Frontiers in Microbiology
Munsterman, KS, JE Allgeier, JR Peters, DE Burkepile. 2021. A view from both ends: shifts in herbivore assemblages impacts top-down and bottom-up processes on coral reefs. Ecosystems
**Identified as one of the top ten most influential papers of the 6-year cycle of NSF-funding for the MCR LTER
**Covered in an International Coral Reef Society Reefbites blog post
Schiettekatte, NMD, DR Barneche, S Villéger, DE Burkepile, JE Allgeier, SJ Brandel, JM Casey, A Merciére, KS Munsterman, F Morat, V Parravicini. 2020. Nutrient limitation, bioenergetics and stoichiometry: A new model to
predict elemental fluxes mediated by fishes. Functional Ecology
Donovan, MK, TC Adam, AA Shantz, KE Speare, KS Munsterman, MM Rice, RJ Schmitt, SJ Holbrook, DE Burkepile. Nitrogen pollution alters coral bleaching across the seascape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Ezzat, L, T Lamy, RL Maher, KS Munsterman, KM Landfield, ER Schmeltzer, CS Clements, RV Thurber, DE Burkepile. 2020. Parrotfish predation drives distinct microbial communities in reef-building corals. Animal Microbiome
Ezzat, L, T Lamy, KS Munsterman, K Landfield, DE Burkepile, RV Thurber. 2019. Herbivorous fish feces destabilize coral microbiome. Marine Ecology Progress Series
Burkepile, DE, AA Shantz, TA Adam, KS Munsterman, KE Speare, MC Ladd, MM Rice, SE McIlroy, AJ Brooks, RJ Schmitt, SJ Holbrook. 2019. Nitrogen source drives differential impacts of nutrients on coral bleaching prevalence, duration, and mortality. Ecosystems
Burkepile, DE, TC Adam, M Roycroft, MC Ladd, KS Munsterman, BI Ruttenberg. 2019. Size-specific patterns in corallivory and spongivory among Caribbean parrotfishes. Coral Reefs
Rassweiler, A, M Lauer, SE Lester, SJ Holbrook, RJ Schmitt, R Madi Moussa, KS Munsterman, HS Lenihan, AJ Brooks, J Wencélius, J Claudet. 2020. Perceptions and responses of Pacific Island fishers to changing coral reefs. Ambio
manuscripts in prep
Landfield, KM, JR Peters, KS Munsterman, AC Stier, JE Allgeier, DE Burkepile. Coral characteristics and the presence of micro-predatory fishes influence ammonium contributions from associated small-bodied fishes and invertebrates.
Munsterman, KS, KJ Fiorella, D Mitchell, JE Allgeier. Successive disturbances reveal internal strengths and external barriers to resilience within small-scale fishing communities in The Bahamas. In Review Ecology and Society
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